Of all the wonders surrounding twins, the most talked about and researched is whether twins actually obtain the ability to communicate between one another mentally; with no means of sensory perception. Though many people doubt the validity of this extraordinary phenomenon, I can personally say through experience that twin telepathy is no myth. Being a twin myself, I have experienced telepathy with my sister, so having gone through this personally I can validate that twin telepathy is fact and that all the doubts surrounding this unfathomable occurrence should not exist. Even though many twins can confirm the truth of twin telepathy, there is still no scientific evidence that proves or supports the existence of this sixth sense, which still creates some doubt. Besides the fact that there is no evidence to solidly confirm the truthfulness of this extra sense between twins, that doesn't mean that this extra sensory perception doesn't occur.Twin Telepathy is considered to be a sixth sense, and to many other twins and I this occurrence is very much amazing and completely remarkable. Personally having the ability to connect with my twin on a completely different level than anyone else on this Earth is just incredible. For my twin Lindsey and I, this extra sense is presented in various ways. When Lindsey is hurt or if something is bothering her I can physically feel when something is wrong. Also on many occasions Lindsey and I will finish each others sentences and steal each other thoughts and ideas, almost as if we share the same brain. Many disbelievers of this concept of twin telepathy say it's just merely a coincidence, but many twins know that's not true. The bond that twins share whether they're identical or fraternal is very special, in more ways than one. Not only do twins grow a very close bond but in many cases twins develop a physic link from being with one another throughout their whole lives. When twins begin developing a physic link their bond becomes stronger and closer, compared to twins who never develop a physic link. It's true that not every set of twins develops telepathy and studies show that about thirty percent of all twins actually experience telepathic abilities. The percentage of twins that do establish this ability will likely have numerous stories to share and will prove to you through their own experiences that twin telepathy is one hundred percent fact.
Hannah Nordstrom :)
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