Last Monday, April 15, the strong city of Boston
was rocked by a ruthless act of terrorism. The last major attack on American
soil were the attacks in New York City on September 11th, 2001; this recent
bombing at the finish line of the Boston Marathon resurfaced many painful
wounds. The cold blooded attackers who injured 282 innocent civilians, and
killed 3 people were Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, and his brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev,
26, who had immigrated from Chechen, Russia to Cambridge, Massachusetts in
2002. Reports show that Dzhokar and Tamelan used shrapnel- packed pressure
cooker bombs. The brothers anticipated for the bombing to cause much
destruction as they were expecting all the bombs they planted to go off, but
only two of the numerous explosives detonated. The impact of the two explosions
resulted in severe damage, though if all the planned bombs succeeded to
detonate, the death and injury toll would be staggeringly worse. The
preliminary evidence from Dzhokhar's interrogation supports that the brothers
were motivated by religious extremism, but were apparently not involved with
any Islamic terrorist organizations.
When I first heard that there were two bombings in Boston, I thought it was a joke. I was in the car with my family, when the radio station began frantically streaming reports of two explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. As I came to a conclusion that the attacks in Boston were no joke, I didn't think at first that the explosions were an act of terrorism. I kept thinking that the explosions might have been a gas line explosion or some kind of malfunction, because I couldn't fathom someone purposely attacking the city that I love. The attacks were so close to home that at first I just couldn't understand why someone would want to subject Boston to so much suffering. I tried so long to comprehend the events that had taken place, but it was just too much for me, I couldn't wrap around the notion that someone had killed and injured so many of my friends, neighbors, family and fellow Americans. I had no words to say, all I did was sit in front of the television in shock, as I watched the city of Boston slowly fall apart.
After so many details of the Boston Marathon Bombings were released, all of Massachusetts and the United States began its mourning. One of the people that had been killed at the Marathon evoked very sad emotions in many people throughout the country. The death of eight year old Martin Richard truly evoked strong emotions within millions of people, myself included. It's sad when any child dies, but it is especially horrible when a child is massacred in an act of terrorism. No child should ever have to suffer through the conditions that Martin had. Martin was only trying to have a good time out, supporting the runners of the Marathon with his family at the finish line, but his kindness resulted in his death. Martin was a nice boy, and he had a very bright future ahead of him. It makes me extremely sad to know that Martin will never get to grow up and have a positive impact on the lives of the people he would've encountered. Every child should have the chance to grow up and it's not right that his life was cut short by two men who put no value on a human life, even the life of an innocent child. Martin was already starting to begin his life on a good path, as he promoted his saying "No more hurting people. Peace." Martin may not be physically on this Earth anymore, but his memory and his inspiring behavior and sayings will live on, and hopefully his words will be heard louder than ever. In addition to the death of Martin, there were many reports of lost limbs after the explosions. One picture I saw was a man being pushed in a wheel chair, with his legs completely blown off, and all that was left were dandling pieces of skin. This picture is one that I will never forget, as it is embedded in my mind. Before seeing this picture I knew there were numerous amputees and extreme injury, but after seeing an actual victim and real injuries, it finally made me see how bad the bombings really were, and how many people lives will be changed forever. This photo makes me sick to my stomach, because these bombers fully knew that the shrapnel would severely injure people. Also, the fact that the bombers decided to detonate the explosives right at the finish line at one of the most prestigious marathons is really low. After completing the marathon, runners are jubilant and thrilled, and it's horrible that so many of these runners weren't able to finish off the day with happiness and excitement; instead many ended their days in fear and pain. To imagine that so many runners lost legs and arms, it's sad to think about because they probably will never be able to run the marathon again, which must be devastating to them. So many lives were taken away and changed forever, because of two despicable men who didn't think twice about the lives they were going to ruin.
Although there is much sadness and tragedy surrounding the bombings, there are many good things that resulted from this attack as well. During and after the bombings many people exhibited true heroism and patriotism in Boston. On the news and the radio, I heard some very heartwarming stories of people helping each other out, and trying to save people they had never met before. It makes me happy to hear that during the bombings it wasn’t an every man for himself situation. It’s nice to know that in times of tragedy people not only think of themselves, but others as well. People that have never met each other before were working together to save and help as many people as they could. Especially in today’s selfish, conceited world, it’s encouraging to know that people are still willing to put others before themselves. The heroism during the Boston Marathon Bombings shows that the American spirit stills exists, and that in the end we’re all a family in this country and no man is left behind, under any circumstances. After the attacks, the patriotism in Boston and throughout Massachusetts was stronger than ever. The people of Boston aren’t to be messed with. When you mess with Boston, you mess with the whole state of Massachusetts. As David Ortiz said before a Red Sox game ““This is our fucking city. Nobody is going to dictate our freedom. Stay strong.” I think Ortiz is completely right, and even though the bombers were out to ruin Boston and its people, they couldn’t succeed. The bombers didn’t acknowledge the fact that Boston is one of the strongest cities and that the police in Watertown and Boston didn’t stop searching and looking for them until Tamelan was dead and Dzhokhar was captured. The bombers may have thought they could destroy Boston, but that was an unrealistic goal, Boston can’t be destroyed. Boston is too strong. Together the people of Boston and the state of Massachusetts in the end destroyed the two masterminds behind the horrific bombings.
The Boston Marathon Bombings shook the people of Boston. The city may have been shaken, but they were not broken. Boston has seen things that a city should never have to see or go through. Though the people of Boston and the state of Massachusetts stood together, and provided each other with comfort and support. Now that the only living bomber left, Dzhokar Tsarnaev, has been captured and taken into custody, the city of Boston can continue to celebrate and recover from the horrific events that occurred last Monday. Though Boston will never fully recover, no city can ever move past an attack like this, but if Boston continues to stay strong they will continue to move on and heal. Boston is a strong city, a city full of education and opportunities and nothing will ever change that. “Here's what I see all across this great city - people working together to make Boston a better place to live and to raise children, to grow and pursue dreams.” Thomas Menino.